Recent Publications
Articles published in the EASST Review & Science & Technology Studies
The EASST Review is a quarterly open access publication that has followed developments in our field for more than 30 years.
EASST Review (ISSN 1384-5160) is published biannually and distributed digitally to all EASST members.
Latest EASST review
Editorial: Research Cultures and editorial team renewal
by Jose A. Cañada, Roos Hopman, Stefan Laser, Sarah Schönbauer, Richard Tutton & Niki Vermeulen
Evelyn Fox Keller (1936-2023)
by Brigitte Nerlich
Whose Job is it Anyways?: Decolonization as Ethics in European STS
by Jacqueline Ashkin & Efe Cengiz
Taking and Leaving: complicating the relationship between extraction and ethnography
by Sarah Rose Bieszczad, Efe Cengiz, Viliina Kaikkonen, Sofie Kronberger, Rhys Anil Madden, Ricardo Paris, Juan Antonio Samper, Lea Marie Sasse
The Exeter Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (Egenis)
by John Dupré and Sabina Leonelli
Access to an unpolluted night sky
by Jimena Pereira Paz, Kit Archibald, Dr Hannah Dalgleish
Caring for methods – Fostering dialogue and diversity in digital ethnographic methods
by Frauke Rohden, Julie Sascia Mewes, Sylvia Irene Lysgård
Workshop report ‘Thinking speed: stories, promises and practices of digitization’
by Roos Hopman, Tahani Nadim, Lisette Jong
Looking forward to the 2024 conference
by Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, Michiel van Oudheusden, Barbara Regeer
Introducing the Centre for the Social Study of Microbes: a slime-mouldian approach to research
by Maya Hey, Jose A. Cañada, Alicia Ng
Science & Technology Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement of scholarly studies of science and technology as socio-material phenomena, including their historical and contemporary production and their associated forms of knowledge, expertise, social organization and controversy.
Latest articles
- Coal Exists, Therefore it Must be dug up
- Technologies of Ecological Mediation
- Lost Futures
- Caton James Lee (ed) (2022) The Economics of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: A Transaction Costs Revolutionby Jongheon Kim
- Ermoshina Ksenia and Musiani Francesca (2022) Concealing for Freedom: The making of Encryption, Secure Messaging and Digital Liberties
- Introduction
- Thinking Like a Machine