Message posted on 03/01/2018

Open panel CfP: "Well years, good years, quality years", 4S Sydney, 29 Aug-1 Sep 2018

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Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science
4S Sydney, August 29 - September 1, 2018

Open panel no. 82: Well years, good years, quality years - calibrations and
aggregations of daily living

Throughout the world low fertility, ageing and chronic disease are
transforming how health/care is organised and practiced. Healthcare programmes
are being reconfigured to address the challenges of treating and managing long
term conditions just as persons with chronic conditions, family members and
loved ones grapple with daily tasks of (self-)care. In low fertility societies
there are fewer young people to care for elders, who are increasingly living
with various co-morbidities and may require assistance in their daily lives. A
wealth of instruments, indices and scales have emerged which take daily living
as their object. Despite their differences, their commonality lies in their
normative differentiation of the activities of daily living along better-worse
continuums. Certain ways of living are valued as of better (in terms of
quality, fulfilment, life satisfaction, etc.), based largely on a person's
functional ability, levels of experienced discomfort, and experiences of
isolation. Contributors to this panel will critically examine how daily
living, itself, has become the object of measurement as healthcare programmes,
professionals, carers and patients seek to improve the daily lives of those
living with chronic conditions. Ethnographic, policy-oriented and historical
analyses of how daily living is made knowable and calculable on the one hand,
and negotiated and tinkered with on the other, are welcome. The panel will
contribute to STS scholarship on health metrics, health interventions and
(self-)care and will further conceptual innovation at the nexus of medical
anthropology, medical sociology and STS.

Convened by Ayo Wahlberg, Professor MSO, Department of Anthropology,
University of Copenhagen; Katherine Kenny, Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales; Tiago Moreira,
Professor of Sociology, School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University;
Jieun Lee, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology,
University of Copenhagen

Submit your abstract here:
Deadline: 1 February 2018

Ayo Wahlberg
Professor MSO

Department of Anthropology
University of Copenhagen
ster Farimagsgade 5
1353 Copenhagen K
TEL +45 35 32 44 51
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